Professor David Nutt of Imperial College, London and president of the British Neuroscience Association has proposed that every car should have an alcohol sensor fitted, preventing anyone from starting their car should the sensor decide they are over the legal limit (known as an alcohol ignition interlock). Speaking to the BBC, Professor Nutt said that […]
Tag: Cars
Why do we pay VAT on petrol?
Driving home from work yesterday, and noticing that I will have to fill up (again) soon, I was struck by the question, “why do I have to pay VAT on petrol”. VAT is considered to be a “luxury” tax, a tax on non-essential items. The only way for me to get to work and back, […]
VAT hits 20%
So, here we are waiting for VAT to go up to 20% and despite the Labour opposition lobbying for a delay, it’s pretty certain to go ahead. Of course this will push up fuel prices still further, as for some reason we have to pay VAT on fuel duty (where’s the value in that?). Now […]
Petrol Prices
So here we are in an election year, and no-one seems to be talking about the price of a gallon of fuel. Despite the odd fluctuation, the price has steadily increased over the last year or so, and yet not one political party seems to want to comment publicly on this. Now, we all know […]
Variable Wheel Drive
On my drive to work this morning I was struck with an alteration to a cars power transmission that seemed to me to be both fun and fairly obvious. Currently when choosing a car you have a choice between 4 wheel drive, front wheel drive and rear wheel drive, with proponents of all making various […]