In the news today, apparently David Cameron has pledged to pass a new law guaranteeing there will be no rise in income tax, VAT or National Insurance during the lifetime of the next parliament if he is elected. Whilst this might sound like a good thing, here at The Internet Sheep, we disagree. So, in […]
Tag: Politics
Bob Diamond – A Question?
Now that Barclays (ex) Chief Executive Bob Diamond has gone, there seems to be an unanswered (or even, unasked) question left hanging about what he did or did not know. From the open letter written on the 28th June 2012 to Andrew Tyrie, Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee and published on the Barclays website […]
Is the UK Press Out of Control?
Possibly the most distasteful news item to emerge this week is the allegation that investigators working for the News of the World not only “hacked” into Milly Dowler’s phone voicemail whilst the police investigation was on-going, but deleted messages so that more messages could be received. Not only tampering with potential evidence, but also giving […]
Why do we pay VAT on petrol?
Driving home from work yesterday, and noticing that I will have to fill up (again) soon, I was struck by the question, “why do I have to pay VAT on petrol”. VAT is considered to be a “luxury” tax, a tax on non-essential items. The only way for me to get to work and back, […]
Tuition Fees: The Law of Unintended Consequences
The law of unintended consequences, sometimes defined as “a perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended (when an intended solution makes a problem worse), such as when a policy has a perverse incentive that causes actions opposite to what was intended.” (thanks to Wikipedia there) has swung into effect on the governments university tuition […]
VAT hits 20%
So, here we are waiting for VAT to go up to 20% and despite the Labour opposition lobbying for a delay, it’s pretty certain to go ahead. Of course this will push up fuel prices still further, as for some reason we have to pay VAT on fuel duty (where’s the value in that?). Now […]
Will the real Prime Minister please stand up?
So here we are, post election, looking forward to a hung parliament (or a “balanced” parliament as we’re now supposed to call it, perhaps to avoid giving anyone ideas). Of course, after all the squabbling over ideology from the leaders debates, we now have the amusing situation of watching both the Conservatives and Labour pretending […]