ownCloud – Store Your Data, Your Way

Most people out there are familiar with DropBox and other similar services provided by the likes of Microsoft and Google. The convenience of being able to easily synchronise data between multiple devices, with a copy stored “in the cloud” (that’s on the Internet for our older readers!). However, using a service such as this has […]

SpamCheck 0.6.8

The latest release of SpamCheck has been released, and should be available for download. SpamCheck is an Open Source email spam and virus filter provided by Dial Media Group. The latest version fixes issues with selecting an email when the subject is blank, and ensures that when a user is set to use the domain […]

Fighting Spam

Here at the Internet Sheep, we’re pretty fed up with spam, and spend a fair amount of our time trying to make sure as little as possible gets through – if you think spam is bad as an email user, just imagine how much we hate it as IT professionals with multiple mail servers to […]